Multilingual support

Basic Usage

Valine Multilingual support has been supported.
Default built-in:

  • zh-CN
  • zh-TW
  • en
  • ja
new Valine({
    appId:'Your appId',
    appKey:'Your appKey',
    lang:'en' // setting here


Customization only takes two steps:

  1. Define langName and langMode
  2. Initialization Valine

Please write in strict accordance with the following langMode format:

// 1.Define langName and langMode 
var langName = 'en',
    langMode = {	
        "nick": "NickName",
        "mail": "E-Mail",
        "link": "Website(http://)",
        "nickFail":"NickName cannot be less than 3 bytes.",
        "mailFail":"Please confirm your email address.",
        "sofa": "No comment yet.",
        "submit": "Submit",
        "reply": "Reply",
        "cancelReply": "Cancel reply",
        "comments": "Comments",
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "confirm": "Confirm",
        "continue": "Continue",
        "more": "Load More...",
        "preview": "Preview",
        "emoji": "Emoji",
        "expand": "See more....",
        "seconds": "seconds ago",
        "minutes": "minutes ago",
        "hours": "hours ago",
        "days": "days ago",
        "now": "just now",
        "uploading":"Uploading ...",
        "uploadDone":"Upload completed!",
        "busy":"Submit is busy, please wait...",
        "code-98":"Valine initialization failed, please check your version of av-min.js.",
        "code-99": "Valine initialization failed, Please check the `el` element in the init method.",
        "code-100": "Valine initialization failed, Please check your appId and appKey.",
        "code-140":"The total number of API calls today has exceeded the development version limit.",
        "code-401": "Unauthorized operation, Please check your appId and appKey.",
        "code-403": "Access denied by API domain white list, Please check your security domain."

// 2.Initialization Valine
new Valine({
    appId:'Your appId',
    appKey:'Your appKey',
    lang: langName,
    langMode: langMode

v1.1.8-beta9+ supported。

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